Public Relations or PR is the key to communication between an organization and the public/customers. It involves a variety of programs designed to maintain or enhance a company’s image and the products or services it offers. PR is the face of an organization that directly interacts with the audience on topics of public interests and user experiences. It builds recognition, handles external communications and brings values to the services.
The main aim of PR is to establish good relations with potential customers, investors, and other stakeholders to ultimately persuade them to have a positive or favorable view of the organization. It makes the organization more presentable and accessible by bridging the gap between the seller and the buyer. Public Relations play a very vital role in marketing such as designing communication campaigns, arranging interviews, working with the press, managing brand collaborations etc.
Communication is essential to carry the brand’s message, and it is imperative that external communications be handled with care. We work with the brand’s existing communications infrastructure on strategy, management, branding, training, and information release to ensure that our message is not diluted or misinterpreted in any way.